A downloadable game

👁 What & Why

Omens of Impending Doom (OoID) is an inspiration tool which I created to aid (or rather torment) me in my solo adventures. But I thought "hey, maybe someone else would find it enjoyable too!" The result is a neat pocketfold which come packed with a few features:

Chaos - Great supernatural events increase the game world's total Chaos, which is rolled against at the beginning of each week. Rolling equal to or below the total Chaos will cause the world to suffer an...

Omen - Omens are signs of the impending doom and each one increases in severity. Omens are generated by the use of a deck of 54 cards (Jokers included). After the 5th Omen has occured, the countdown starts.

Doom - Included is a table for time left, a table for how effective your attempts to stop it are, and a simple d6 flavour table for the type of apocalypse the world will suffer. 

Tables and Chaos are all rolled with either a d6 or 2d6. You will not need more than two six-sided dice and a deck of playing cards to use the tool.

OoID works best in longer campaigns and sandboxes, as its mechanics are heavily time-based. If you wish to use it for something shorter, feel free to change the rules!

OoID uses the CC BY-SA 4.0 license!

Please share your thoughts and ideas if you have any!

👁 Versions

3 versions of the file is provided:

Standard - The regular version for printing and folding into a Pocketfold.
Printer-friendly - Features a less black-intensive front cover.
Digital - Features rearranged and flipped pages in order to read digitally.

👁 Credits

Art used is in the public domain and was provided by the National Gallery of Art

Works used:
The Discovery of an East Window of All Saints’ Church - James Johnson
Berchtesgaden with the Watzmann Peak in the Distance - Ernst Fries
Ships in a Stormy Sea - Petrus Johannes Schotel
Mademoiselle Mary de Borderieux(?) - Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

Fonts provided by Google Fonts, licensed under the Open Font License:
Headers - Pirata One
Body - Atkinson Hyperlegible

Updated 1 day ago
Published 2 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tagsapocalypse, occult, One-page, rpg-tool, Solo RPG, system-agnostic, tool
Asset licenseCreative Commons Attribution_ShareAlike v4.0 International
Average sessionA few minutes


OoID v1.pdf 1.8 MB
OoID v1 Printer-friendly.pdf 1.6 MB
OoID v1 Digital.pdf 1.8 MB


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"Let doom and chaos reign upon the world, as its denizens see omens in all things. HARK! The end of times be here..." - Mad prophet (probably)